The Team
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Chairman Emeriti
Patrick J. Burke
Charles L. Ladner
Patricia P. McCarter
Trustees Emeriti
Sara Spedden Senior
Henderson Supplee, III
Board of Trustees
Dunwoody Village is overseen by a board of trustees made up of voting members including residents and emeriti trustees, as well as local professionals in the areas of finance, healthcare, law, insurance, and construction, all serving in a volunteer capacity. The president of the Residents’ Association is an ex-officio member of the board with voting privileges. The board meets monthly except during the summer, to review finances, strategic planning and to provide general oversight of Dunwoody Village.

Nancy Bloomfield, PhD
Resident of Dunwoody Village

Michael Buongiorno
Retired, Main Line Health

Patrick J. Burke
Mill Creek Capital Advisors, LLC

Constance Carino
Resident of Dunwoody Village

Maureen Casey

Edward A. Chiosso
Chairman Emeritus

Bert Dalby
CEO of Vantage Advisors, LLC

Robert Edmiston
PNC Institutional Advisory Solutions

Linley Grandison

Garth Hoyt
McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC

Kelly Johnson
Siemens Medical Solutions

David R. Jones, DO
Comprehensive Health Solutions, PC

Anne S. Morse
1st Vice Chair
Aronwold Partners

Stephen Ruzansky
President, Dunwoody Village Residents’ Association

Stephen S. Young
Consensus Health
The Dunwoody Board and Officers of the Corporation have no equity or beneficial interest in the Corporation.
No professional service, firm, association, trust, partnership or corporation provides goods, leases, or services to the facility in which a board member or officer has any equity or beneficial interest.